
Showing posts from September, 2017

How to learn how to do your makeup

For myself, I have always been one of those girls who is super into makeup and my hair. I do not go over the top with it unless I have to for those special occasions. I do not wear lipstick often, but I prefer a gloss or lip balm.  Any who, I do/have done my research when it comes to hair products and makeup tools and brands. So I do have some products that are more on the expensive side but still affordable. What I mean is that they are not drugstore brands. One my friends always ask me to do her hair and makeup if we are going anywhere and I always try to teach her what I am doing and how to do it. She even makes me go shopping with her and pick out products for her to use.  Well here are some tips and tricks I have taught her for those people who are beginners. Do your homework look at the product reviews online and compare the good and bad.  Watch Videos on  makeup tutorials there are a ton of great makeup artists (MUA) or up and coming ones. They post videos on differ